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Bradock Saga

This is about goku's father long ago freeza took over the sayain planet and used his people as mecenarie's so bradock and his teammates go to wipe out a planet one of the survivor's before dieing puts a curse on bradock so he can see the bad things that will happen to him in the future bradock is recorving on the sayain planet but his son goku is born freeza realizes the sayain's can become a treat so he send's his people to take care of bradock's teammates while bradock is recovering bradock find's out and leave's to join his teammates bradock finds his teammates dead one of them is still alive but about to die he tell's bradock about freeza then die's bradock see's some of freeza's men then he get's a picture in his head of his son growing up but he sill beat's all freeza's men except dodria.Dodria shots a fireball at bradock defeating him but bradock survived he headed down to the sayaain planet to warn them about freeza but they dont believe him and they all laugh at him little vegeta and nappa are on another planet trying to wipe it out since know one believe's him he went to fight freeza alone he beat freeza's men who came out of freeza's ship bradock did his fireball trying to stop freeza but freeza did a fireball to freeza's fireball was killing bradock and all the sayain planet but before bradock died he saw the future he smiled because he saw his son goku defeating freeza.The only sayains who did'nt die where vegeta and nappa who where at another planet and baby goku who was sent to destroy earth when he grows up when nappa and vegeta return they are told the pllanet was destroyed by a meteor also two other survivors are raditz and taurus who are goku's brother's goku lands on earth and is adopted by a man named gohan and he is the one who gives goku the name goku and thats how dragonball series begins.

Vegeta Saga

Goku has a reunion with his freinds and introduces them to gohan his son.A sayain named raditz lands on the earth seeking goku raditz's is goku's older brother.Raditz asks goku to join him goku refuses so raditz kidnaps gohan as blackmail.Goku goe's after him and even though goku and piccolo are enemies piccolo joins goku.They fought raditz but at first were'nt doing so well gohan from out of nowhere busts out of the place raditz was keeping him hostage and unleaes a powerful headbut .Soon afterwards piccolo has a powerful attack but needs time to unleash it so goku holds raditz down then raditz tricks goku into letting him go then raditz attacks goku then goku gets him back in the hold then piccolo unleases the attacks it goes through goku and raditz. When krillen and the others find raditz they laugh at him dying and krillen makes fun at raditz because they can bring goku back to life with the dragonballs he has a communication device and it picked up what krillen said so raditz sends the news to his freinds then dies.Because piccolo discovers that gohan has hidden powers piccolo takes him for training.Goku instead of retiring to heavan is sent to run on snakeway to find king kai for traning the other z fighters go for training because in one year two more powerful sayain's will come to earth.One year later nappa and vegeta come to earth to get the dragonballs first the zfighters including piccolo and gohan fight tht sabia-men nappa planted.Yamcha was killed by the sabia-men then krillen killed the sabia-men then the zfighters battled nappa chazou died by trying to sacrifice himself by holding on to nappa and blowing himself up but it did'nt affect nappa.Tien dies when he uses all his power to fight nappa.Piccolo dies by blocking gohan from a fireball.Only krillen and gohan are left goku arrives to earth and fights with vegeta.Vegeta uses a blast to create a kind of moon then he changes into an ape not too long afterwards yajirobe cuts off vegeta's tail and vegeta turns back and krillen and gohan start figting vegeta.Goku forms his spirit bomb attack and gives it to krillen to hit vegeta but krillen misses and gohan bounces back at vegeta.Vegeta is still alive gohan tail grows back and he turns into an ape and then he attacks vegeta vegeta cuts off gohan's tail and gohan turns back.Vegeta is weak from battle and tries to escape to his spaceship but krillen picks up yajirobes sword and is about to kill vegeta but goku tells him to let vegeta go and then vegeta goes home.

Freeza Saga

Goku,krillen,andgohan are in the hospital from the battle against vegeta popo appears on a flying carpet outside the hospital and them about namek and the dragonballs there.The group make plans to go to namek to get the dragonballs and bring back there freinds.Because namek is so far away popo mentions kami's spaceship as transportation bulma goe's cause out of the group she is the only engineer/mechanic and gohan and krillen go because there not injured to badly goku does'nt go he's to injured.Gohan,krillen,and bulma head off to namek but an invisible ship takes them they go to investigate then they get ambushed by aliens who all have guns they think gohan,krillen,bulma work for freeza then a meteor shower hits the spaceship and gohan and krillen save the aliens from falling parts of the spaceship.The alien realize their good and apolize then the aliens tell them more about freeza and how he destoryed their home planet and thats why they live on the spaceship.Afterwards their journey was two months long they went through lots of troubles during the months one of them where aliens who created illusions to trick them.After goku was healed by a senzu bean he headed for namek vegeta was after the dragonballs to.Vegeta destroyed freeza man who are zarbon,kewi,and dodoria.Freeza killed all the namekians there except nail,dende,and sasachiro meanwhile vegeta gets all seven dragonballs one frm krillen,gohan,and bulma the other six from so freeza summons the ginyu force 5 very powerful warriors.krillon and gohan power where increased by sachiro and they wherew helped by vegeta to fight the ginyu but they where no match and freeza got the dragonballs but he could'nt summon the dragonball cause on with the nammek dragonballs you have to use a different language to summon the dragonballs.Goku arrived just in time to defeat the ginyu force goku became more powerful because he trained 100 times gravity making him powerfu.The captain ginyu force named ginyu knew he could'nt beat goku so he switched bodys with goku after awhile goku got his body back and put ginyu in a frogs body.krillon,gohan,and dende obtained the dragonballs and wished piccolo to namek.Freeza killed sachiro and injured nail and also hurt krillen and gohan but dende used his ability to heal them.Freeza transformed into his second forned but since piccolo fused with nail he kept beating up freeza.Freeza transformed into his third form but goku was still recovering then freeza transformed to his fourth form he killed vegeta goku used spirit bomb an angry freeza killed krillen goku became so mad then he turned super sayin freeza triggered the planet to blow up in five minutes bulma,piccolo,gohan and the namekians where wished back to earth the namekians where wished back to life by the earth dragonballs freeza shot some blasts at goku accidently cut his own self krillen was wished back to earth but goku was still alive didnt want to come back to earth yet.

Trunks Saga

One year later freeza returned in a robotic he came to earth with his father king cold and some other men to get revenge the zfighters find out freeza's back but goku isnt around vegeta tells the zfighters not to fly because freeza's men might pick it up on there scouters.Freeza calls for his men out of nowhere a boy appears he beats all freeza's men easily the boy has a surprise for freeza he is also a super sayin and he's not as nice as goku freeza gets scared but freeza and king cold do not believe so he shows them freeza realizes he has the same eyes as goku freeza shots a death ball ten times the size of the one who destroyed namek he throws it into the ground freeza thinks he wins then he sees the ball lift out of the ground and he sees trunks holding it freeza throws a ki blast the ball becomes unstable so trunks throws it into space.The boy gives freeza another chance to attack but freeza fails so trunks sits on top of amountain then he shoots a blast but misses then trunks calls freeza and freeza looks up trunks slices him into large pieces then into smaller pieces then he blows him up.King cold is so surprised that some one beat hi son so easily king cold offers trunks to become his new son trunks refuses then he asks trunks can he see the sword then he says to the boy he would'nt have defeated freeza if it was'nt for the sword king cold turns the sword on the boy and try's to slice trunks but he is blasted away and killed.The zfighters are afraid of the boy not knowing what side hee' on the boy was freindly and told them he knows where goku would land in two hours they follow him the others agree he is a freind of goku but tien disagees he says he's known goku his whole life and goku never metioned him but bulma says maybe goku met him in space.At the spot where the boy tells them goku will be landing in bulma realizes the boy is wearing a capsule corp jacket bulma asks if he works for the company he says no im just a fan the boy says he cant say his name yamcha and tien make fun of him saying they want secret names to as they wait for goku they think how does he know goku's name goku lands at the spot goku wonders how they know hw was arriving there and who defeated frreza they tell him the boy did and they tell goku the boy's a super sajin goku says thats great bulma tells goku the boy says he knows him goku is surprised because he never met the boy before.Goku tells them that after freeza spaceship did'nt work he flew into a falling pod vegeta says the ginyu force must have programmed the pods to go their next goku says it flew to a planet called yadratt he said the peopletheir nursed him to health and he trained there when goku is introduced to him the boy tells goku he must talk to him privately goku tells the boy he learned a new technique where he could travel anywhere he felt like by feeling some ones ki.The boy asks goku to turn super sayin they are amazed how similar they look the boy takes out his sword about to attack goku and then asks goku why did'nt he try to block it goku says he knew the boy was'nt trying to hurt him the boy tells goku thats he is gonna attack and he wants goku to block it goku blocks every attack with his index finger the boy see's how powerful goku ist he boy tells goku his name is trunks and he's from the future he tell goku that in the future all the zfighters are murdered except goku and gohan.Trunks tells goku that goku dies of a heart attack and that gohan grows up and is the one who trains him goku asks about the androids trunks tells him there two powerful artifical humans created by the red ribbons dr.gero he tells goku they will arrive in three years and he gives goku an antidote for the heart disease but before all this trunks tells goku he is the son of vegeta and bulma in the future and he will be born in one year trunks tells goku not to tell bulma and vegeta are he will never be born.After there talk trunks bids everyone farwell and then leaves.Goku tells everyone about the boy from 20 years but he does'nt tell his name or who his parents are he also tells them about the androids then he shows them his new technique.Goku,piccolo,andgohan train together tien and chazou train together krillen and master roshi train together and yamcha trains alone they all prepare for the androids.

Cell Saga

A lot has changed it's three years later from when trunks came to the present he is called mirai trunks because chibi trunks is born and vegeta has joined the zfighters kind of.Mirai trunks comes back to find a shock there's another android it's android 16 the only androids he knows about in the future are android 17 and 18 and dr .gero the creator of the androids has turned himself into an android but is defeated by vegeta who can npw turn super sajin he is also defeated by piccolo.After dr.gero's defeat he goe's to his labotory and releases android 17 and 18 they then turned on him and kicked off his head then 17 and 18 release android 16 afterwards they defeat the zfighters except krillen who did'nt battle them and gohan who was'nt there and also goku who was recovering from a heart disease before dr.gero died he issuse's the command for another android called cell then call breaks out of his test tube cell then goes to absorb the other androids after he doe's he becomes perfect cell no one can beat him so he starts thinking about the fights as a game so he announces he will have a tournament for any warrior that thinks they can beat him the firct challenger is mr.satan he is easily defeated next is goku then goku defeats him so he self destructs so goku teleports to king kai's but it still kills him and king kai.Next he challenges gohan to make the fight more better he tries to anger gohan by creating baby cells to hurt gohan's friend's and he kills mirai trunk's he went to far gohan turned super sayain level 2.Gohan kills the baby cells easily him and cell start fighting gohan's left arm is injured and he creates a kamehameha but cell creates ont to but gohan over powers him and kills him with one hand everyone is wished back except goku who already died once but goku looks at gohan from the heavens proud of him mirai trunks goe's back to the future and thats the end of cell.